专业设计软件公司 Autodesk 已经宣布,卡尔·贝斯(Carl Bass)将于 2 月 8 日卸任首席执行官和总裁职务。该公司没有立即指定接班人选,但在找到接班人之前,会由高级副总裁兼首席产品官 阿玛·汉斯派(Amar Hanspal)、以及高级副总裁兼首席营销官 安德鲁·纳格诺斯特(Andrew Anagnost)带领的一个临时办公室来负责相关事务。
在旧金山 Real 2015 大会上演讲的 Autodesk CEO 卡尔·贝斯
换言之,在为 Autodesk 工作 24 年、曾担任过各种职务的 Carl Bass 离职之后,Hanspal 和 Anagnost 将担任 Autodesk 的临时联席 CEO 。
1993 年的时候,Carl Bass 在 Ithaca Software 被收购时成为了 Autodesk 的一员。
尽管 2 年后曾被时任 CEO 卡罗尔·巴茨(Carol Bartz)排挤开,但因为公司里其他工程师的强烈要求而在几个月后回归。
1999 年的时候,Carl Bass 再次离开 Autodesk 并成立了一家名叫 Buzzsaw 的初创企业,结果 Autodesk 又在两年后收购了该公司。
多次进出 Autodesk 的 Carl Bass,终于在 2006 年接过了 Carol Bartz 离任后的 CEO 大棒。
Carl Bass 在欧特克任CEO的十年也是BIM在全世界AEC行业开花结果的十年,可谓功成身退了!走好Carl!
八卦一下,据称Carl Bass在离职之前两次给全公司发公开信表示反对川普的移民政策,并声称自己也是移民的后人,不知何其离职是否巧合。
Software maker Autodesk said on Tuesday that Chief Executive Carl Bass would step down, less than a year after it struck a deal with two activist investors agitating for changes at the company.
Autodesk agreed last March to appoint three new directors to its board, including Scott Ferguson, managing partner of Sachem Head Capital Management. Sachem Head and fellow activist investor Eminence Capital each held nearly 6% of the stock as of Sept. 30, making them two of the company's largest top five holders.
The agreement last March included a so-called standstill agreement between the company and Sachem Head, which required the activist to support the board and company for a set period of time.
Autodesk said on Tuesday that Sachem Head has agreed to continue the earlier standstill and voting agreement provisions until June 2018.
Autodesk also said that Ferguson and one of its appointees, Jeff Clarke, will resign from the board. The board will begin a search for a new independent director candidate who will join when Ferguson and Clarke step down, which will occur at the 2017 annual meeting or when a new CEO is named, the company said.
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Shares of the AutoCAD design software maker (ADSK) were flat at $83 on Tuesday, nearly double where they traded a year ago.
Bass, who held the top job for more than a decade, will continue to sit on the board and will be nominated for re-election, the company said.
Bass's departure is effective on Feb. 8, Autodesk said, adding that the company is forming a CEO search committee and an interim CEO office to oversee day-to-day operations. Crawford Beveridge remains chairman of the board.